UMIT - University for Health Sciences, Medical computer science and technology center Wallnoefer Edward I, (Austria)
• 2010 Member of the Advisory Board of ÖPIA (Austrian Platform for Interdisciplinary Research on Ageing), Vienna. Scientific management of the Interdisciplinary Gerontology Research Group `Shaft '(two research sites in Germany). Coordinator of the Gerontology International Colloquium `'(IGC).
• 03/2009 senior lecturer at the University UMIT, Hall in Tyrol / Austria, Chairman of the 'Institute of Gerontology and demographic development' at the Department of Nursing Science and Gerontology.
• 2008 in Review Activities: Health Professional Science Journal online, Berlin / Munich. Care network Sciences, Vienna. GeroFam, online journal, Antalya / Turkey. Editorship (Scientific part): Home life world, journal of the Federation of nursing homes in Austria, Vienna. Experts in the 7th The EU Framework Programme CORDIS "Man & Age-.
• 01/09 -12/10 co-editor of the 'Journal of Gerontology and ethics'.
• 2003 - 2010 Founded and co-leader of the An-Institute of Gerontology and 'ethics' at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg.
• 10 / 05-07 / 10 Visiting Professor at the Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF) in Vienna, Department of Palliative Care
• 17.05.2011 Organization Ethics in the Alps-Adriatic University of Klagenfurt: Ph.D. Program and support of doctoral theses.
• 10/08 - 08/09 reviewers (evaluator) in the 7th EU Research Framework Programme: Specific program: `health 'and` people'.
• 10/08 - 10/09 expert at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Berlin, funding line `Social Innovations for quality of life in old age '(SILQUA-FH) in the context of demography initiative.
• 03 / 07-03 / 09 Co-opted (03/07-02/08) and ao Professor (03/08-03/09) at UMIT-University Hall in Tyrol, Department of Nursing Science: Graduate Program with a focus on gerontology.
• 03/98 - 03/09 C2-Professor (part-time from 03/08-02/09) at the Department of Gerontology Nursing Management of the Evang. University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg.
• 06/06 - 10/07 member of the founding college of DiaLog International University (IDU) of diakonia Neuendettelsau.
• 05 / 04-02 / 07 Lecturer at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Gerontology at the University of Vechta: Conducting courses.
• 02/2004 Habilitation with Prof. Dr. J. Howe at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Gerontology at the University of Vechta, "On the effectiveness of quality management systems in aged care facilities-. Habilitation of Gerontology.
• 1999 - 2006 in Review Activities appeal to several (technical) universities.
• 10/96 - 02/98 C2 Foundation Professor at the Catholic University of Munich. Structure of the Program: Nursing and Health.
• 12/1995 PhD thesis with Prof. Dr. R. Schmitz-Scherzer, University of Kassel: "Migration and age. Homesick - Guest Work Experience No Return”
• 1989 - 1992 Studies of Social Gerontology at the University of Kassel completion... Diploma Sozialgerontologe Thesis:" Age and migration - a study of Hungarian
• 1980 - 1984 study of social education at the Fachhochschule Würzburg-immigrant. . Schweinfurt Diploma in Social Pedagogy.
• 11/2010 International Gerontology Colloquium 2010 in Antalya / Turkey.
• 10/2010 Research focus on the country `aging '. Branch of the Institute on the campus Maria Churches / Lower Bavaria with a scientific staff (donated).
• 06/2010 Research focus 'elderly'. Branch of the Institute for SeniVita holding in Bayreuth with a scientific staff (donated).
• 05/2010 Development of certificate courses on the subjects: Applied Gerontology / Geronto Management / Geragogik.
• 04/2010 submission of a European research project on `100 - year-research 'in Germany, Austria and Italy.
• 04/2010 Participation at the 4th International Social and Applied Gerontology Symposium, 28 -30.04.2010. Akdeniz University of Antalya / Turkey.
• 03/2010 creating the curriculum for the program in `master of gerontology '.
• 11/2009 performing a symposium 'Life and Living in Old Age'.
• 06/2009 opening of the Institute
• 04/2008 employees, development and organization of the doctoral degree program nursing science with a focus on gerontology, with the collaboration of several internal and co-opted professors.